
In this week’s roundup of creative goodness, we have a thorough look into the use of grids in web design; a summary of things to know when building theme for Tumblr; a sleek website design tutorial; and two awesome roundups of ultra cool infographics.

Design Informer

This well designed article from Design Informer takes an in depth look at the topic of grid-based web design, beginning with a historical introduction, and continuing on to some handy tips for using a grid as part of your designs.

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Build Internet

As Tumblr becomes increasingly popular in the world of blogging, so does the web design industry’s interest in developing custom Tumblr themes. If, like me you’re looking to play around with some Tumblr theme designs of your own, the guys over at Build Internet have a useful post highlighting some important things to know.

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Design Instruct

Photoshop based website design tutorials are pretty common these days, but they rarely cover the process in as much detail, or provide such a sleek looking result as this tutorial from Design Instruct. Follow the guide to learn how to base your design on the 960 grid and use subtle gradients to add depth.

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The first of two infographics related posts is from Richworks. This post rounds up 50 stunning examples of infographic and data visualisation, providing never ending inspiration for your own infographics, or just that spark of creativity for your other design projects.

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Freelance Review

This next post from Freelance Review provides yet more infographics inspiration. This extensive roundup of 100 seriously creative infographics contains a whole new collection of cleverly laid out and illustrated designs.

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  1. Thanks for the mention Chris! Enjoyed the other links as well. Jacob from Design Instruct and Zach from Build Internet are both going to be featured in the same interview series as you starting on Monday of FR!

  2. Thanks for the mention, Chris. I’m delighted that you think my article was useful :) The article from Design Informer was extremely creative and useful.

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