
A muted palette could be described as a selection of subdued or restrained colours which appear quite soft and easy on the eye. Compared with the bright and brash colour schemes of many modern web designs, these muted palettes give the impression of sophistication and modesty. Often using browns or subtle greys along with pastels and subtle highlights they make a great collection of inspiring designs. Check out these 25 hand picked examples from across the web.

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  1. Some of these don’t appear to be very muted on the colors, such as the Web Design Ledger site with the bright oranges… however, there is definitely a theme throughout all of them.

  2. Really nice post, some of those sites are very attractive especially in the current web environment with so many stark white,blue,black sites.
    Olly Hite one is my favourite.

  3. Gorgeous collection.

    I saw Viget on a “colourful sites” round up not too long ago, so I’m not sure if muted colours would be the best way to describe all these sites. They definitely have something in common though. Perhaps the browns?

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